Since we had an open Saturday, it worked out perfectly for me to play in the IU Alumni Band. It was extra fun for me since I had the chance to perform with these 5 former Zionsville Marching Eagles! I was able to re-live some of the great memories of my youth, and feel wonderful pride at the same time seeing the positive influence that our Zionsville kids are having beyond high school. By-the-way, Mariel's clarinet had a red barrel and a red bell because she was voted to have the best attitude by her section that week. I thought that was pretty awesome, so I joined the clarinet section and stood next to her for the post game performance!
Green Screen Magic with the Weather Man
This was fun. While we were at the TV studio this morning (WISH TV Channel 8), Jordyn had the opportunity to stand in front of the green screen. With our green uniform jackets, Jordyn nearly disappeared. On TV, we could watch the radar travel right through her. Then Jordyn was asked to play her instrument, and she nailed it without hesitation.
If you are on Twitter, check out @laurenlowrey_8
She posted a video of the whole scene with Jordyn.
Fast Paced Rehearsal Tonight!
The Marching Eagles had a "pedal-to-the-metal" rehearsal tonight and ended up being able to play and march about halfway through the 4th movement. This meant tremendous progress, and a very fast pace. The possible rain in the forecast for Thursday night was a factor on our motivation to work this quickly. Even during the 2 1/2 hour sprint, members of our color guard were still able to be cheerful, and pose for this picture!
A Sneak Peak into our Music Warm Up at Greenwood
I have been putting an emphasis lately on being more focused. I believe that our solid performance at the Greenwood contest was thanks in large part to the focus of the students. In this photo, you can see the focus on the face of Kathleen and the rest of our Brute Squad (also known as the flute section). I decided to name the top award from our activities with our 8th grade band students "The Most Focused Section". This focus is raising the potential of our season. Thank you Marching Eagles, and keep up the good work!
I just fixed these 2 Tubas!
Now these 2 tubas will be working perfectly for our combined band event tonight with our AWESOME 8th graders! Bring on the next challenge of the day. [😊]
Performance begins at 7:15pm. Be there!
Good Rehearsals Pay Off
This was the sunset during Thursday night's rehearsal last week. In addition to a great sunset, we also had a great rehearsal. The way we rehearsed on last Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning is the reason we were able to perform well at the Brownsburg contest. Even with our 1st place along with several caption awards, we all know that we are only scratching the surface of the potential of our show. Your continued hard work will keep the positive momentum going. Your hard work also inspired me to fight through some serious fatigue, and finish the Zionsville Sprint Triathlon this morning!
We finally made it into the bleachers!
Tonight was the first home football game in which the Marching Eagles could get into the bleachers and watch part of the game. I felt pretty good about our performance. The clouds were flowing very well, and it looked very cool. Also, both of the solo microphones WORKED! Thank goodness. For everyone involved in our competition in Brownsburg tomorrow, I hope you all had a chance to read my late night (10:15pm) email.
That is all for now. Thanks! TL
Some of my thoughts from our trip to Lafayette
Where do I begin.....
I was sad when we found out that the parade had to be canceled. Then I had to make the decision to also cancel our performance in Lion's Park. I really do enjoy opportunities for our band to perform, especially for all of those people along the parade route. Then I thought, what are we going to do with all of that candy our color guard students were going to hand out? 15,000 calories later and a slight tummy ache, I realized eating all of it was a bad idea.
Well, we learn something everyday....
OK, I promise my next post in this new blog will be a bit more related to the details of the accomplishments of the Marching Eagles.