2018 Indoor Events:
02-24-18 Indoor Percussion - Staging / Music Camp 8:00-4:30
03-03-18 Indoor Percussion - IPA – New Palestine
03-10-18 Indoor Percussion - WGI - Indy Prelims
03-10-18 Indoor Percussion - IPA – Zionsville
03-11-18 Indoor Percussion - WGI - Indy Finals
03-17-18 Indoor Percussion - IPA – Plainfield
03-24-18 Indoor Percussion - IPA State Prelims Avon
04-07-18 Indoor Percussion - IPA - State Finals Hulman Center
04-14-18 Indoor Percussion - IPA - Preview to Dayton
04-19-18 Indoor Percussion - WGI - World Finals Dayton, Ohio
04-20-18 Indoor Percussion - WGI - World Finals Dayton, Ohio
04-21-18 Indoor Percussion - WGI - World Finals Dayton, Ohio
*All Tuesday and Thursday Rehearsals are 6:00-9:00
*All Fridays before a contest (Contest Prep are 3:50-5:30)